Daily Low-Dose Aspirin: Cartia® Everyday
If you are at risk of blood clots, your doctor may have prescribed you Cartia®. Cartia® is a low dose daily aspirin.
This article will cover how to take Cartia® and who it’s for. You’ll also find out how it can reduce particularly the risk of blood clots
and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
How to Take Cartia®
Take Cartia® with a glass of water. Cartia® should be swallowed whole, without crushing, chewing or breaking the tablet.
The tablet blister are conveniently marked with a daily calendar to help you keep track of your daily dose.
Take your first tablet from the appropriately marked day, then follow the arrows.
Do not use if the expiry date printed on the pack has passed, or the packaging is torn or shows signs of tampering.
What is Low Dose Aspirin?
Low dose aspirin therapy helps reduce blood stickiness and the tendency of blood to clot. Low dose aspirin belongs to a class of medications called anti-platelets, as it blocks certain blood cells (called platelets) and slows your body’s ability to clot blood.
By preventing blood clots in arteries leading to the brain and heart, low dose aspirin can help lower your risk of stroke and heart attack.